Coming Up: Artist Talk.

UPDATE: The video of the talk is now online!

If you’re in Melbourne this Saturday come along to the Counihan Gallery in Brunswick where I will be giving a talk about my work The Descent of the Dodo. Dodos are a truly fascinating topic so naturally I had a blast creating the story… Hopefully you will have a blast hearing all about it! It’s also a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the work. Example question: “What does it meeeeeeean!?”. 

There will also be talks by some of the fantastic artists from the Brunswick Arts Committee with whom I am sharing the show First & Last.

WHAT!? First & Last - Artists in conversation.  

WHEN!? Saturday July 16th at 2:30pm.

WHERE!? The Counihan Gallery in Brunswick: 233 Sydney Road, Brunswick, Victoria.

BRING!? A question!

I imagine it will go a little something like this:
